We are proud to announce second Allocation Contest. After success in first AC we are sure that access to exclusively pool Rikkei Finance for our loyal fans will be next opportunity to be a part of the DeFi ecoystem
Before join
Please read our terms and privacy policy carefully. Each person participating in the AC agrees and accepts the entries contained therein.
Go to the form and follow the instructions. Only completed all tasks give you chance to be drawn in lottery.
If you will have any problems feel free to contact with us. https://t.me/dec_ventures
We have 2 pools for our Community.
TOP 3 referals win ticket
17 people will be drawn
After drawn
We will contact with each winner by e-mail and send other instructions. We will send access to special chat about Rikkei Finance Allocation Contest. Remember participation in the AC is voluntary and we do not give any guarantee of profit!
About your allocation
This is private sale tier and on token listing (TGE) you dont receive any $RIFI tokens. 3 months later we will send you first part – 25% bought tokens. Its something different than original IDO’s and please understand that. If you have any question you can contact with us on our telegram chat or e-mail. We always want to be transparent.

1 Comment
Patryk Mroz
Rikkei Finance us great project. Hope U will be one of the winners.