Don't combine the Dec.ventures name or logos, or any portion of any of them, with any other logo, company name, mark, or generic terms. Please don't edit, modify, distort, rotate, or recolor the logo.

Dec.ventures Symbol
When the Dec.ventures name is not needed and used on a light background.

Dec.ventures Logo (Vertical)
When content is laid out vertically and used on a light background.

Dec.ventures Logo (Horizontal)
When content is laid out horizontally and used on a light background.

Dec.ventures Symbol
When the Dec.ventures name is not needed and used on a dark background.

Dec.ventures Logo (Vertical)
When content is laid out vertically and used on a dark background.

Dec.ventures Logo (Horizontal)
When content is laid out horizontally and used on a dark background.
Dec.ventures incorporates yellow, navy, purple throughout its branding. Please use the following colors accordingly.

RGB 255,181, 6
CMYK 0, 33, 92, 0
HEX ffb506

RGB 42, 43, 87
CMYK 94, 91, 36, 31
HEX 2a2b57

RGB 120, 120, 212
CMYK 63, 66, 0, 0
HEX 7866d4
Dec.ventures's fonts are free of use. Font weights have specific purposes, please use them accordingly.