Every blockchain network needs participants to function. The old school option is the former cryptocurrency miners, the successor was and still is the so-called staking, i.e. passive earning by holding a token. However, this option is exposed to large price fluctuations and most often creates high inflation.
One of the more advanced methods is to be a member of the network by creating a node with which we add our brick to building the credibility, stability and capacity of the network. For most projects, however, creating a node is a complicated process and requires additional tools, i.e. servers, which we will agree, not everyone has. STRONG offers nodes in a completely user friendly manner. You can put it on in 5 minutes without any technical knowledge.
First step
To run your node for the Ethereum network using the platform provided by STRONG, you must first have a wallet supporting the ERC20 network. In this matter, I recommend the number one number one – the Metamask wallet. You can download it as a browser add-on or as a standalone phone app.
The second step is to purchase a STRONG token. This can be done quickly via Uniswap or on a traditional exchange, among others Kucoin. Each node consists of 10 STRONG pieces so if you want to create more than one you have to buy a multiple of 10. Additionally you will need some ETH to cover network transaction costs. Assuming you are creating one node, you should have 10 STRONG and safely around $ 50 in Ethereum.
You can always check the current price with Coingecko
Set up STRONG node
Go to website app.strongblock.com
Connect the Metamask wallet – an authentication window should pop up automatically. If you did it correctly, you should see your wallet’s public address in the upper right corner. Then, in the main window, you should be able to choose to create a new node (second image).
Fill in the necessary information, i.e. the name and description of your node. Also, get acquainted with the conditions of node operation and what your tokens will be used for. Remember that these 10 purchased pieces of STRONG will be irretrievably placed in the pool, you will not be able to pick them up in the future. According to the description:
- 10% goes to STRONG
- 10% goes as rewards to liquidity providers
- 20% goes to the staking prize pool
- 60% trafia do puli nagród za utrzymywanie węzłów
After confirming that you want to create a new node, a window will pop up from the Metamask wallet twice. The first will ask for permission to transfer funds to the platform, the second will request confirmation and payment for the network transaction.
After a maximum of a few minutes, both transactions should be completed and you will be informed about the successful creation of the node, in line with the message below.
Congratulations. You have just become an active shareholder in the Ethereum network. Your node has been created and it will start generating profit for you immediately.
Najczęściej zadawane pytania
Nagroda jest taka sama dla każdego. Bez względu na ilość węzłów zarabia to na dzień dzisiejszy 0,1 STRONG dziennie. Regularnie przeprowadzany halving zmniejsza nagrody, więc ta wartość nie jest stała.
Miesięczny koszt utrzymania węzła na serwerach STRONG kosztuje 15$ + opłata sieci Ethereum. W optymalnych momentach rynku kwota nie powinna przekroczyć 20$ jednak warto sprawdzać różne pory, bo przeważnie rano opłaty są niższe niż wieczorem.
Tak, służą do tego tokeny NFT które w zależności od rodzaju dodają boosta do Twoich węzłów. Możesz je sprawdzić na stronie nfts.strongblock.com. Po nabyciu tokena NFT musisz go przyporządkować do jednego lub wielu swoich węzłów klikając na jego nazwę.
Nie. Zgodnie z zawartą i zaakceptowaną umową 10 STRONG wykorzystanych na węzeł jest bezzwrotnie pobieranych.
Tak, wystarczy że klikniesz na swój węzeł. Pojawi się dodatkowe okno i na zakładce Edit możesz zmienić jego nazwę oraz lokalizację. Jest to bezpłatne.
Pierwszy zysk powinieneś osiągnąć po 100 dniach. 10 STRONG koszt węzła / 0,1 STRONG dziennie nagrody = 100 dni. W przypadku rozliczania projektu do $ lub PLN znaczenie będą miały wahania kursowe.